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Thursday, 1 December 2016

Billy Graham’s daily devotional December 1, 2016 Triumph in Affliction

Billy Graham’s daily devotional
 December 1, 2016 
Triumph in Affliction 

 Triumph in Affliction [December 1, 2016]  You don't understand now why I am doing it; some day you will. — John 13:7 (TLB)  May I remind you that physical illness is not the worst thing that can happen to you? Some of the most twisted, miserable people I have ever met had no physical handicap. Some of the world’s greatest and most useful people have been handicapped.  “The Messiah” was composed by Handel, who was suffering from a paralyzed right side and arm. Catherine Booth, in the last year of her life, said that she could not remember one day free from pain.  Helen Keller has written, “I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work, and God.” Some of the most radiant Christians I have ever met were “wheelchair” saints. May God give you grace to “triumph in affliction.”  Prayer for the day: When physical afflictions come into my life, may they draw me closer to You, my beloved Lord Jesus Christ.  Written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the same.

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