Today’s Scripture: “And if the Spirit of him
who raised Jesus from the dead is living in
you, he who raised Christ from the dead will
also give life to your mortal bodies because
of his Spirit who lives in you.” - (Romans
8:11, NIV)
Topic: The Supernatural in You! [December 8,
We serve a supernatural God! He is not
limited by anything or anyone. He’s ready to
do the impossible in you, for you and
through you!
Think about this for a moment: when you
accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the
Spirit of God actually makes His home in you
—the same spirit that raised Christ from the
dead! That means that you have unlimited
power, unlimited wisdom, unlimited ability,
unlimited joy and unlimited peace living
inside of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.
As a believer, you have the unlimited,
supernatural, living God inside of you!
Let that sink down deep into your heart. Let
it restore confidence and strength to your
being. Let it energize your thoughts and
attitude today. As you meditate on Him and
the vastness of His power inside of you, you
will tap into that power more and more.
Every day, you’ll experience His supernatural
increase as you put Him first—the
Supernatural One living in you!
A Prayer for Today: “Father, thank You for
sending Your Son, Jesus, so that I can have
eternal, abundant life in You. Thank You for
choosing to make Your home in me and
empowering me by Your Spirit. Father, give
me Your wisdom and revelation so that I can
rise higher and embrace everything You have
in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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