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Monday 5 December 2016

EZEKIEL 1:16 December 6

 EZEKIEL 1:16 December 6 Ezekiel 1:16-18 —The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they moved, they went toward any one of four directions; they did not turn aside when they went. As for their rims, they were so high they were awesome  Are UFOs described in scripture? It’s entirely possible!  Ezekiel wrote about a heavenly vision where he saw “a wheel in the middle of a wheel”. This strange vehicle was able to move in any direction without turning. It spontaneously and instantaneously changed its direction. That matches the description of spacecraft found in UFO literature today.  You know, I feel sorry for Ezekiel, who came home to the parsonage and told his wife that night, “Today the Lord gave me a revelation of the future.” He went on to describe the wheel within the wheel. I’m sure she said something to him like, “Zeke, go sit down. You’ve been on the sauce, man—you’re seeing things!”  Today science fiction buffs and New Agers are talking about ET’s Extraterrestrials and UFO’s appearing and people suddenly being taken from the earth and disappearing in spacecraft. That’s called, in ufologist lingo, a “close encounter of the fourth kind.”   Scripture records such an encounter in 2 Kings 2:12-13, which describes the prophet Elijah being taken to heaven in a chariot of fire.   This same Elijah reappeared on earth on the Mount of Transfiguration to comfort Jesus before he went to Calvary Matthew 17:3; then he returned to heaven. But Elijah will make a third appearance on earth as one of the two witnesses described in Revelation 11. The Bible says that fire will come out of his mouth and incinerate anyone who opposes his gospel.   Source: Twelve Sunday Mornings— Part Three

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